Proto-Indo-European solitary prayer ritual:
Oil lamp or candle
Offering for fire (incense)
Well (Recis: "Dark Place.")
Tree (Staff in stand)
Bowl of water
Bowl for offerings
Silver for well
Offering in pitcher (beer or mead is most PIE)
Set up
Put the tree in the east, the fire in the middle, and the well in the west. Sit to the west of the well. Put the matches and incense next to the fire, and the other items in front of you.
Anoint your mouth, heart, and hands. Each time, say:
Púros/Púrā syēm.
May I be pure.
Face east and say:
Déiwons kei aisdatis esmi.
Meinós dhṛmos sṃoitis Ár̥téws eseti
I am here to honor the gods.
May my worship be according to the Ártus.
Light the fire and say:
En dhoubnos medhyoi
adbhertās ṇcneis lukskēyo.
Idhei, yodhei sakrom cécalom-qe katsāyontoi.
sup pālāmenós leukā́s deiwyās
sup spekyontós oqod Westyās.
In the world's very center
I light the fire of offering.
At the point where the sacred and the mundane meet.
Under the care of the shining goddess
Under the watchful eye of Westyā.
Make offering to the fire, saying:
sákrodhokyom dídōmi adbhertās ṇcneyēi
meldhoim suṇcnēi kṃtí.
I make offering to the fire of sacrifice.
May I pray with a good fire.
Offer silver to the well, saying:
Recēi ad bhudmēn serai
Aqās ad agros, Récis tendeti.
By the Régwes I am connected to the world below.
Waters to land, the Régwes extends.
Asperse the tree, saying:
Cīdread ad bhudmēn serai
agros ad dyēum cīdrewom tendeti
By the holy tree I am connected to the world above.
Land to sky, the tree extends.
Pour part of the offering in the pitcher to the gate keeper, saying:
Aqōm Népot, tebhei adbherō,
Syet wertom apósteri itṛ ad qentons.
Áqōm Népōt, I make offering to you.
May the way be open to the Holy Ones.
Make a counterclockwise triskele, from the inside out, over the lamp, saying:
Áqōm Népōt, ar dhurns moi.
Áqōm Népōt, open the gate to me.
Asperse the area in a clockwise direction, saying:
Məgnom móris əmé ghṛdhyeti.
The great sea encloses me.
When the aspersing is done, say:
Meinos ghórdhos sakros esti, daimtós
enterós eghr̥ ghordhosyo āps.
Sakros aidhis-qe stānom meinosyo esti,
omos deiwoimos eitis.
My ghórdhos (garden) is sacred, set apart,
within the border of the encircling water.
Sacred and holy is this place of mine,
fit for the gods to enter.
Pour out the offering to the gods, saying:
Deiwōm deiwās-qe sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Deiwōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
To the gods and goddesses I make offering.
May there be between us the bonds of hospitality.
Gods, I pour out an offering to you.
Pour out offering to the ancestors, saying:
anəmoimos strutyōm sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Strutyōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
To the spirits of the ancestors I make offering.
May there be between us the bonds of hospitality.
Ancestors, I pour out an offering to you.
Pour out offering to the spirits of the land, saying:
anəmoimos agrosyo sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Anəmōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
To the spirits of the land I make offering.
May there be between us the bonds of hospitality.
Spirits, I pour out an offering to you.
Pause. Then pick up the offering bowl and say:
Meinos erktis sákrodhokyosyo dekai
I receive my share of the sacrifice.
Drink some of the offering. Put the bowl down and say:
Deiwōs, strutyōs, anəmōs:
dekos qe dhṛmos dídōmi,
certis qe deikos.
ameikatats paks-qe énteri nos eseti
Toi cṛtins dédōmi.
Deities, ancestors, and spirits:
I give you honor and worship,
praise and reverence.
May there be peace and friendship between us.
I give you thanks.
Make a triskele over the fire, clockwise from the outside in, saying:
Áqōm Népōt, dhworim eseti.
Áqōm Népōt, may the gate be closed.
Extinguish the lamp. Stand and say:
Meinos itr̥ en ameikatats km̥ti Genōs eimi
I go my way in fellowship with the Kindreds.
Bow once to the east.
The ritual:
(x1) Púros/Púrā syēm. (mouth)
(x2) Púros/Púrā syēm. (heart)
(x3) Púros/Púrā syēm. (hands)
Déiwons kei aisdatis esmi.
En dhoubnos medhyoi
adbhertās ṇcneis lukskēyo.
Idhei, yodhei sakrom cécalom-qe katsāyontoi.
sup pālāmenós leukā́s deiwyās
sup spekyontós oqod Westyās.
sákrodhokyom dídōmi adbhertās ṇcneyēi
meldhoim suṇcnēi kṃtí.
Recēi ad bhudmēn serai
Aqās ad agros, Récis tendeti.
Cīdread ad bhudmēn serai
agros ad dyēum cīdrewom tendeti.
Aqōm Népot, tebhei adbherō,
Syet wertom apósteri itṛ ad qentons.
Áqōm Népōt, ar dhurns moi.
Məgnom móris əmé ghṛdhyeti.
Meinos ghórdhos sakros esti, daimtós
enterós eghr̥ ghordhosyo āps.
Sakros aidhis-qe stānom meinosyo esti,
omos deiwoimos eitis.
Deiwōm deiwās-qe sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Deiwōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
Anəmoimos strutyōm sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Strutyōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
anəmoimos agrosyo sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Anəmōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
Meinos erktis sákrodhokyosyo dekai
Deiwōs, strutyōs, anəmōs:
dekos qe dhṛmos dídōmi,
certis qe deikos.
ameikatats paks-qe énteri nos eseti
Toi cṛtins dédōmi.
Áqōm Népōt, dhworim eseti.
Meinos itr̥ en ameikatats km̥ti Genōs eimi
(bow the east)
Credit to Ceisiwr Smith.
Oil lamp or candle
Offering for fire (incense)
Well (Recis: "Dark Place.")
Tree (Staff in stand)
Bowl of water
Bowl for offerings
Silver for well
Offering in pitcher (beer or mead is most PIE)
Set up
Put the tree in the east, the fire in the middle, and the well in the west. Sit to the west of the well. Put the matches and incense next to the fire, and the other items in front of you.
Anoint your mouth, heart, and hands. Each time, say:
Púros/Púrā syēm.
May I be pure.
Face east and say:
Déiwons kei aisdatis esmi.
Meinós dhṛmos sṃoitis Ár̥téws eseti
I am here to honor the gods.
May my worship be according to the Ártus.
Light the fire and say:
En dhoubnos medhyoi
adbhertās ṇcneis lukskēyo.
Idhei, yodhei sakrom cécalom-qe katsāyontoi.
sup pālāmenós leukā́s deiwyās
sup spekyontós oqod Westyās.
In the world's very center
I light the fire of offering.
At the point where the sacred and the mundane meet.
Under the care of the shining goddess
Under the watchful eye of Westyā.
Make offering to the fire, saying:
sákrodhokyom dídōmi adbhertās ṇcneyēi
meldhoim suṇcnēi kṃtí.
I make offering to the fire of sacrifice.
May I pray with a good fire.
Offer silver to the well, saying:
Recēi ad bhudmēn serai
Aqās ad agros, Récis tendeti.
By the Régwes I am connected to the world below.
Waters to land, the Régwes extends.
Asperse the tree, saying:
Cīdread ad bhudmēn serai
agros ad dyēum cīdrewom tendeti
By the holy tree I am connected to the world above.
Land to sky, the tree extends.
Pour part of the offering in the pitcher to the gate keeper, saying:
Aqōm Népot, tebhei adbherō,
Syet wertom apósteri itṛ ad qentons.
Áqōm Népōt, I make offering to you.
May the way be open to the Holy Ones.
Make a counterclockwise triskele, from the inside out, over the lamp, saying:
Áqōm Népōt, ar dhurns moi.
Áqōm Népōt, open the gate to me.
Asperse the area in a clockwise direction, saying:
Məgnom móris əmé ghṛdhyeti.
The great sea encloses me.
When the aspersing is done, say:
Meinos ghórdhos sakros esti, daimtós
enterós eghr̥ ghordhosyo āps.
Sakros aidhis-qe stānom meinosyo esti,
omos deiwoimos eitis.
My ghórdhos (garden) is sacred, set apart,
within the border of the encircling water.
Sacred and holy is this place of mine,
fit for the gods to enter.
Pour out the offering to the gods, saying:
Deiwōm deiwās-qe sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Deiwōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
To the gods and goddesses I make offering.
May there be between us the bonds of hospitality.
Gods, I pour out an offering to you.
Pour out offering to the ancestors, saying:
anəmoimos strutyōm sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Strutyōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
To the spirits of the ancestors I make offering.
May there be between us the bonds of hospitality.
Ancestors, I pour out an offering to you.
Pour out offering to the spirits of the land, saying:
anəmoimos agrosyo sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Anəmōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
To the spirits of the land I make offering.
May there be between us the bonds of hospitality.
Spirits, I pour out an offering to you.
Pause. Then pick up the offering bowl and say:
Meinos erktis sákrodhokyosyo dekai
I receive my share of the sacrifice.
Drink some of the offering. Put the bowl down and say:
Deiwōs, strutyōs, anəmōs:
dekos qe dhṛmos dídōmi,
certis qe deikos.
ameikatats paks-qe énteri nos eseti
Toi cṛtins dédōmi.
Deities, ancestors, and spirits:
I give you honor and worship,
praise and reverence.
May there be peace and friendship between us.
I give you thanks.
Make a triskele over the fire, clockwise from the outside in, saying:
Áqōm Népōt, dhworim eseti.
Áqōm Népōt, may the gate be closed.
Extinguish the lamp. Stand and say:
Meinos itr̥ en ameikatats km̥ti Genōs eimi
I go my way in fellowship with the Kindreds.
Bow once to the east.
The ritual:
(x1) Púros/Púrā syēm. (mouth)
(x2) Púros/Púrā syēm. (heart)
(x3) Púros/Púrā syēm. (hands)
Déiwons kei aisdatis esmi.
En dhoubnos medhyoi
adbhertās ṇcneis lukskēyo.
Idhei, yodhei sakrom cécalom-qe katsāyontoi.
sup pālāmenós leukā́s deiwyās
sup spekyontós oqod Westyās.
sákrodhokyom dídōmi adbhertās ṇcneyēi
meldhoim suṇcnēi kṃtí.
Recēi ad bhudmēn serai
Aqās ad agros, Récis tendeti.
Cīdread ad bhudmēn serai
agros ad dyēum cīdrewom tendeti.
Aqōm Népot, tebhei adbherō,
Syet wertom apósteri itṛ ad qentons.
Áqōm Népōt, ar dhurns moi.
Məgnom móris əmé ghṛdhyeti.
Meinos ghórdhos sakros esti, daimtós
enterós eghr̥ ghordhosyo āps.
Sakros aidhis-qe stānom meinosyo esti,
omos deiwoimos eitis.
Deiwōm deiwās-qe sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Deiwōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
Anəmoimos strutyōm sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Strutyōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
anəmoimos agrosyo sákrodhokyom dídōmi
Bhaskins énteri nos ghóstipitəlitāts eseti
Anəmōs, toi sákrodhokyom ghéwō.
Meinos erktis sákrodhokyosyo dekai
Deiwōs, strutyōs, anəmōs:
dekos qe dhṛmos dídōmi,
certis qe deikos.
ameikatats paks-qe énteri nos eseti
Toi cṛtins dédōmi.
Áqōm Népōt, dhworim eseti.
Meinos itr̥ en ameikatats km̥ti Genōs eimi
(bow the east)
Credit to Ceisiwr Smith.
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